Improving research using mobile apps

Senda, LLC is a healthcare technology company focused on improving access to care

We're a team of healthcare professionals and developers working together to improve healthcare technology and delivery for everyone.

Our Story

At Senda, we believe that each individual should have the freedom, ability, and assistance to make informed health care decisions and access to healthcare.

As undergraduates, our founders worked on a project to use smartphones to help provide maternal and newborn care. They began thinking of ways to improve the delivery of healthcare for all people, particularly for marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. They realized that improving healthcare can have many different forms. Since then, Senda has worked on several projects including improving patient education at a hospital with a mobile app, developing a communication tool for families with children with autism, and studying the effects of stress on millennial caregivers.

As healthcare professionals, we share responsibility and accountability in delivering the best evidence-based care to all individuals and families. We started Senda, LLC to help develop and share correct information and data and create software for mobile apps and websites.

Currently, millions of Americans find it difficult to navigate the US healthcare system, and there are huge gaps in accessing care. The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed that people face many challenges. We believe that smartphones can connect patients to providers, create meaningful relationships, and sharing this information more easily than ever before. Though we have humble beginnings, ultimately, we want to disrupt the American model of the healthcare system and bring innovation using technology. 


5608 17th Ave NW, #1209, Seattle WA 98107

 making health care easy, intuitive, and responsive  

© Senda, LLC